Foil block and metallic ink
An open day student give-away
A product catalogue for direct mailing
A brochure for a bursary endowment fundraising event
A series of admissions brochures
Pocket fold-out pamphlet for Jesus College, Oxford
Brochure design for a garden tour
Brochure design for a credit software management company
A brochure to help students with A Level subject choices
Small brochure for students attending St Ebbe's Church, Oxford
The West Quad development campaign fold-out brochure folder
Bespoke illustrations and design for a guide for parents
Into the Sixth Form brochure for prospective A Level students
A small brochure as a guide for the garden at Radcot House, Oxfordshire
A brochure for new students as an introduction to the school
The Antonian Fund
The senior brochure
Distinctly branded fold-out brochure and die-cut card